Sandy Koufax
Los Angeles Dodgers
Is Sandy Koufax in the Baseball Hall of Fame?
How many Cy Young Awards did Sandy Koufax win in his career?
What city was Sandy Koufax born in?
What year did Sandy Koufax win the National League MVP Award?
Koufax only played 12 years in the MLB. How many of those seasons were with the Dodgers?
Sandy Koufax led the National League in ERA 5 seasons in a row. What year was his last to lead the league?
Which hand did Sandy Koufax pitch with?
Which year did Sandy Koufax throw a perfect game?
Koufax was dominant in his last season. What elusive award did Koufax win in 1966?
Why did Sandy Koufax retire while he was considered the best pitcher in baseball and had only played 12 seasons?
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