Big Red Machine
Cincinnati Reds
Which decade were the Cincinnati Reds known as the Big Red Machine?
How many World Series Championships did the Big Red Machine have?
How many times did the Cincinnati Reds finish 1st place in the National League West during the 70s?
The clubhouse of the Big Red Machine was full of kids who would go on to play in the MLB. Which one of the following would go on to a Hall of Fame career?
What team did the 1975 Cincinnati Reds beat in the World Series?
What team did the 1976 Cincinnati Reds beat in the World Series?
The Big Red Machine featured a starting lineup of Bench, Rose, Morgan, Pérez, Concepción, Foster, Griffey, and Gerónimo. What was this lineup commonly called?
How many National League pennants did the Reds win in the 1970s?
How many average wins did the Reds have per year between 1970 and 1979?
What stadium did the Reds play in during the Big Red Machine era?
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